
Portrait of Milena Quesada Lutz

Milena Quesada Lutz is the artist behind Draadlab. Born in Costa Rica, she currently lives in Assendelft, the Netherlands. She is a self-taught artist on a journey of growth, exploration; play with fiber and clay. 


If you are interested in the works or in a custom piece please feel free to send me an email to get the conversation started. 

Artist Statement

My work is borne from the profound sensations and connections experienced in the natural world; it transcends the conventional notion of landscapes. Instead, I perceive nature as the outcome of forces perpetually expanding and contracting, resulting in a vivid tapestry of movement, color, and texture. It is within this ever-evolving state of becoming that the essence of my work truly emerges.

My art seeks to be a harmonious blend of intuition, curiosity, and the sheer joy of creation. My pieces contain no predetermined message or explicit narrative, instead I look for movement, tension, connection, transformation, and flow, allowing the material and my intuition to determine the final form. It is an immersive invitation, beckoning viewers to explore, to follow the intricate threads and sections of each piece. Through this visual exploration, I aim for individuals to discover and feel the emotions and memories stirred by their unique journey through my work. 

Raw materials like clay, wool, cotton, linen, and hemp serve as the canvas for the unspoken dialogue within me. Imperfection is not only accepted but cherished; asymmetry and irregularity are not flaws but deliberate choices that render each creation unique; a celebration of the delicate balance between intention and spontaneity, form and formlessness. It is not until the work is complete that I can step back and see how my subconscious thoughts have woven themselves to create something mostly three-dimensional spatial and sculptural.

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